What Do You Grab When You Grieve? Guest Writer: Ashley Jones

When I was 27 years old, I lost my only daughter to a terminal illness. At that point in my life, I thought I was a pretty mature adult... I had graduated college, married my college sweetheart, survived in the corporate world, and had a baby. How did I learn so much, yet not learn how to grieve? And where were the teachers, resources, and help when I needed it?

What I found was a lot of people telling me how I might feel, what to expect, what people might say, or even sharing their grief stories, but no one really telling me what to do with all that. Grief can be crippling. It can crack you wide open for the better or for the worse depending on how you choose to respond. But in the raw grief, when we experience the loss, it's hard to make that choice. Our brain is in survival mode. And if you've experienced shock and trauma with your loss, it can be even more challenging to operate from a place of intention.  

What I have learned, and what I hope to share with the world, is that we can heal in grief. Each and every one of us. There are things you can do to help. No matter how traumatic, how shocking, and how painful... Our bodies want to heal, but we have to open our hearts to allow the healing and help our brains operate from a place of intention instead of survival. So how do we do this?

The first step is becoming self-aware and being present in the pain. To heal is to grieve. To grieve is to feel. To feel is to be present. If we are checking out on a regular basis through drugs (prescription or recreational), alcohol, endless scrolling on social media, video games, binge-watching shows, or whatever your method of choice is, we aren't present. And when we aren't present, we can't feel things and learn where the healing needs to happen. Let me take a minute to acknowledge that none of the things above are inherently bad and some people need medicine to help them with chemical imbalances or other things, and that's okay. What I am talking about is a situational or emotional trigger that makes you regularly want to grab your phone, the whiskey bottle, remote, or whatever it is to numb or check out from reality.

So back to the how. Some of the work can be done through counseling, EMDR therapy, meditation. Some of the work might need to address the pieces of you that words can't reach through deep tissue massage, sound baths, float tanks, cranial sacral therapy, and other body-focused work. The important thing is to find out what works for you.

There is so much to share about this, which is why I am in the process of writing a book that will be an active guide to grieving with guided questions, exercises, and stories to walk people through the raw grief and help people heal old wounds. It's my hope that we can start bringing truth to grief; that time doesn't heal all (it can help but it takes intention too), there is no time-frame on grieving (it will be lifelong, just like the love you have), and grief/pain isn't bad (it can be your greatest teacher and guide).

I founded a nonprofit on a mission to revolutionize the way we heal in grief, called Love Not Lost. We photograph people facing a terminal diagnosis, provide support tools and resources to the community (like www.HowCanILoveYouBetter.com), and are bringing grief and empathy training to the workplace through our Corporate Care Program.

I hope you will join us as we work to break the stigma around grief and bring love and healing to those who are hurting.

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Ashley Jones

Ashley Jones is the founder and executive director of Love Not Lost, a nonprofit on a mission to revolutionize the way we heal in grief. From losing her daughter to growing Love Not Lost, Ashley has a lot of experience in death and grief; something she never thought would be in her bio. Yet, she's learned how to process, heal, and grow through the pain and is sharing that information with others to help them do the same.

Miscarriages, Healing, and Facing the Lie That You're Not Worth It, Guest Writer: Cassandra Pickrel

Healing is such a…silver lining kind of word, if you will. A dawn of a new era, next chapter, new life. In all my healing I seem to always forget about the 3 letter tail to the word: “i n g”. In that lies the hardest part, the process.

I am convinced that we are in constant healing in some form or another.

My name is Cassandra and I am currently a mom healing from one toddler, two miscarriages, mom guilt and mom bod, amongst a myriad of other things. Almost 4 years into parenthood people naturally start wondering “when is number 2 on their way?”. Two years into trying to fully successfully conceive and give birth, the fact is we are wondering ourselves. During the 2018 Christmas season we miscarried at 11 weeks. Like most people who have tragic days, I remember that day so clearly. I remember the ultrasounds and seeing the little flicker on the screen that tells me my baby had a beating heart. However, and most importantly I remember the fact that Jesus was communicating with me throughout that entire pregnancy up to that fateful day.

During my shower that morning I heard the Lord say “my wounds are healed, yours will be too”. In all my days I never dreamed the call to be a mother would give me specifically, anything to heal from! Aside from you know the teenage years when hormones are raging and parent vs. child is in full season. My mom has 5 children, my aunt and my two cousins are all just as fertile.

Enter, stage left, February 2020 with a 2nd miscarriage. The pain was breath taking, disabling. All the evidence that I had collected about myself was validated in that very moment. Im not worth it. I must be doing something wrong. Im being punished. God doesn’t trust me. God doesn’t love me. All that the world had told me I was, was correct. The list is infinite with all the guilt, doubt, and shame I lay down to only pick back up every time I get a negative pregnancy test. The one and only fact that I have to hold on to is, He said that my wounds would be healed; not erased or would never happen again. But healed.

I know being a mom is, by far, the hardest job I have and will ever do. I also know it will be the best thing I will do. For sure, I was caught off guard to the realization that just getting the chance to be a parent again would grow my endurance for patience but if going through the cross was worth the pain, the humiliation, the wounds, then wont my hurt be worth it too? Wont Jesus make the journey more than I could have ever known? But even if He doesn’t, I know that at the end of the day it all points me back to Him. I do fully believe that my heart wound (at the very least) will be healed, how long that process will be only Jesus knows, maybe it wont be till He returns but I know it’s in process.

Healing: the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again.

Supporting Each Other After the Loss of a Child, Guest Writer: Jessica Stewart

Compassionate Friends conducted a study in 2006 stating, “72 percent of parents who were married at the time of their child’s death are still married to the same person. The remaining 28 percent included 16 percent in which one spouse had died, and 12 percent of marriages had ended in divorce.” 

My first thought was, “Of the 28% where the spouse dies, how many of those deaths are suicide?” I’ve been in the pediatric cancer community for 5 years now, and unfortunately I’ve learned some parents cannot bear the death of their child, so they take their own life. It crosses the mind of the strongest and bravest parents.

Since learning my son had an 80% chance of being cured of Leukemia, then losing him, I am not a big follower of statistics.

However, knowing my marriage could be at risk after losing our son, made me very vigilant at a time when I could hardly focus on anything. 

Something I learned from the book Love and Respect, (by Dr. Eggeriches) is men feel loved when their spouse is simply present. When my husband, Aaron, woke up each morning crying, I laid on his chest. I was just there. Present. Hurting with him, but saying nothing. 

Part of loving and supporting a spouse through grief, is allowing them to grieve in their own way. Division can come easily. You are both running on empty emotional tanks. Your spirituality may be stunted. You want to draw comfort from the one who’s job it is to love; you but they are empty too. There’s nothing there. 

In my sadness, when I saw Aaron wear something of our son’s to feel close to him, I wanted to be mad. A pain as heavy s as losing a child is so tremendous, your mind is searching for a way to release some of it. Anger is a secondary emotion. Spouses are tempted again and again to lash out. The truth is, you don’t need more pain, and that’s what you end up with when you start taking things out on your spouse. So, when Aaron wore something of Joel’s, instead of reacting,  I would have to think, “If wearing Joel’s t-shirt brings me comfort, how can I blame Aaron for wanting to do the same thing?" You have to guard your heart and your tongue.

Taking a trip sounded ridiculous to me, but my spouse thought it would help to get away. We left for Cancún a few weeks after Joel moved to Heaven. Removing yourself from your current living space, to  a land not saturated with memories of your lost one, may help you to breathe. We walked, we talked, we cried. We sat and watched the ocean ebb and flow. We watched the sunrise, and the sunsets. Here, there was a chance to feel a bit of peace… to feel like we could breath. Broken me, fitting into broken him, doing our best to hold each other up as we limped through grief. Never judge someone’s relationship with a lost one. You may wonder why your spouse is so sad, because they were not close to the parent they lost. You can mourn so much more than a person’s presence. Death can also be a trigger for other issues. We cringed when someone would put emphasis on Joel being Aaron’s stepson. People should be allowed to mourn whatever it is they feel they lost once someone passes away. A chance a reconciliation, a dream to have a close relationship, a childhood hunger for a father, or a feeling of being safe. We don’t know. 

Be present. Just breath. Allow room for grief to unfold without taking things personally. Hold hands. Don't make room for division. Create a safe space to talk. At some point the grief will spill out in words. You won’t have all the answers. Just give love, acceptance, and reassurance. Deeply hurt people don’t usually want to be cheered up. You can’t fix things. You can’t save your spouse. Persist with relentless love.